The Possessive S
(Best Mates!)
Mac and Rory are best friends.
Mac's best friend
Rory's best friend
To show something belongs to someone, just add 's.
But Mac and Rory are very different. Mac's favourite hobby is stargazing...
Yes, I see them. So...what happens next?
Rory, what is the point of the game?
To blow up the aliens of Planet Zog!
We don't use 's for places or things. We use ...of the...
the game's point X
the point of the game ✔︎
Planet Zog’s aliens X
the aliens of Planet Zog ✔︎
...and Rory's favourite hobby is playing video games.
They do like some of the same things. Fantastic Boy is the friends' favourite TV show.
If you are using a plural word like friends, put the apostrophe after the s.
the friend's favourite friend
the friends' favourite movie ...two or more friends
Artemis Fowl – The two friends' favourite book.
They even like the same books.
I can't wait to hear what happens next!
Artemis is the best!
favourite (UK English) favorite (US English)
hobby: something you do regularly for fun
point of the game: purpose of the game
blow up: explode
can't wait: be really excited about something